About Us

If you’ve ever asked yourself any of these questions below then you’re in the right place.

  • What do I need to do to prepare myself for life outside of school?
  • How do I effectively communicate with other nurses?
  • I changed departments, now what?
  • How do I communicate professionally with doctors?
  • Do I know how to effectively manage my time as a clinician?
  • What are my daily priorities and how do I prioritize them so I can create maximum impact for my patients and save time for myself?
  • Do I know how to effectively listen to my patients?

The Clinical Leader

What  do you get when you mix clinical leadership, forward thinking educational platform and a willingness to prepare future generations of nurses? Outstanding clinical results and having a blast doing it! Hi,  I’m Frank.  I created the clinical leader to be a navigator that helps guide nurses through their initiation into the clinical world.

That could mean creating a strong communication foundation that can create better relationships between you and your patients, improving your time management, fostering communication excellence, navigating conflict resolution, setting personal and professional goals or understanding what it means to be a professional nurse.

About Frank

Moses and Sephie snuggling

I love to help and inspire people and build them up to be the best version of themselves. I also love to meet new people, garden, take care of my beehives, share time with my wife and our two amazing dogs Moses and Sephie and speak to people about my passion for patient care.

As a successful healthcare leader with over 17 years of experience I understand the ever changing landscape that we must navigate. I have served as an emergency department nurse, manager, director and chief nursing officer. These roles provide me with a unique insight into what clinicians need to bridge the gap from academia to life as a clinician.

I believe that communication is the cornerstone of healthcare and that your preparation to succeed far outweighs your want to succeed. I want to help you succeed by preparing you for the next step of your career so you can be dynamic and be your self. Never forget why get in the healthcare.

My life has been forever changed because of special people who chose healthcare as a profession.  I’m 42 years old and back in 1993 I was in a car accident that should have ended my life. I was driving home from high school and an animal rain in front of my car. I tried to miss it and lost control of my vehicle. When I came to the car was folded around me and EMS were moving quickly to extract me from the car.

I was taken to the local hospital where it was determined my injuries were too severe for the facility so I was transported to a large trauma center in downtown Cleveland. It is at this facility where I first saw clinical excellence and how talented people work every day to save the lives of perfect strangers.  All told, I broke my neck (c2,c4,c7) my back (t7,t9) left lower leg in three places, collapsed right lung broken left hand.  C2 was a hangman’s fracture and all the other vertebral fractures were burst fractures.

This accident has served as a pivotal point in my life.  it has taught me that life is too short so find the fun in everything you do. Never stop learning and passionately care for the people who can’t care for themselves!

Why does the Clinical Leader exist?

For as long as I have been a nurse, there has been a significant gap between academic training for clinicians and the clinical practice and application of what was learned.  The Clinical Leader is dedicated to creating real world solutions for clinicians who are making healthcare transitions from academia to the clinical realm or clinicians who are moving from one are to another. We provide comprehensive solutions so that you can deliver high quality competent clinical care to patients and families.


Thank you!

